After the final series of the original Avengers program ended in 1969, and before the show's revival in 1976 as The New Avengers, intrepid agents John Steed and Emma Peel found life on the radio airwaves in South Africa. This radio program was adapted from some of the original TV scripts at Johannesburg's Sonovision Studios and sponsored by Lever Brothers. The show premiered on December 6th, 1951 on Springbok Radio, with an adaptation of "Escape in Time", starring British actors Donald Monat and Diane Appleby. Other adaptations included the TV episodes "Have Guns...Will Haggle", "They Keep Killing Steed", and the aborted "Invitation to a Killing", Many had been episodes faturing Tara King, rewritten for the character of Emma Peel. The program lasted until December 28th, 1973, after most of the usuable scripts from the TV show had been used and the show's producers, EMI, refused to allow new stories to be taped. Monat and his wife June Dixon wrote a special Avengers skit that was performed live in April of 1975 for the Springbok Radio's Silver Jubilee, and was later released as a record album, making it the only commercially-available recording of the series, out of the over 83 serials transmitted over the show's existence. For the Old Time Radio Researchers, this is your announcer, ______.