[Info] Version=1 Format=CRC-32 Date=10.02.2015 WavHandling=0 CreatedBy=CDCheck (http://kvipu.com/CDCheck/) [Data] DIR 5cb3f879 01-Introduction to the OTRR.mp3 58f4216f 02-21st Precinct Audio Brief.mp3 fcb86405 03-Everett Sloan bio.mp3 30b5c48e 04-James Gregory bio.mp3 234b1f31 21st Precinct 53-07-07 (001) The Nolen Brothers.mp3 65630e9a 21st Precinct 53-07-14 (002) Case of the Young Incorrigible.mp3 559dfe8d 21st Precinct 53-07-21 (003) The Bartender.mp3 f0675de0 21st Precinct 53-07-28 (004) The Twins.mp3 92004590 21st Precinct 53-08-04 (005) Case of the Sailor's Family.mp3 dc88e04e 21st Precinct 53-08-11 (006) Post Number Seven.mp3 e23cfe8a 21st Precinct 53-08-18 (007) The Mainliner.mp3 c3226896 21st Precinct 53-08-25 (008) The Bookkeeper.mp3 c3cdaf7e 21st Precinct 53-09-01 (009) The Friend.mp3 0ef98439 21st Precinct 53-09-08 (010) The Certified 600.mp3 79756b79 21st Precinct 53-09-15 (011) The Dog Day.mp3 388d52aa 21st Precinct 53-09-22 (012) The Homecoming.mp3 ca4b905e 21st Precinct 53-09-29 (013) The Shooting Gallery.mp3 043cd92e 21st Precinct 53-10-06 (014) The Bird.mp3 125a09b7 21st Precinct 53-10-13 (015) Case of the Picture.mp3 a8c4920e 21st Precinct 53-10-20 (016) Case of the Foundling.mp3 af031367 21st Precinct 53-10-27 (017) Case of the Fall.mp3 e54ab507 21st Precinct 53-11-03 (018) Case of the Patient.mp3 75658cd9 21st Precinct 53-11-17 (020) Case of the Basket.mp3 e7edd17a 21st Precinct 53-11-24 (021) Case of the Ditch.mp3 31205e5f 21st Precinct 53-12-04 (022) Case of the L.D. 80.mp3 b0c1d919 21st Precinct 53-12-25 (025) The Plant.mp3 21a8804d 21st Precinct 54-01-01 (026) Case of the Stairs.mp3 7e45b070 21st Precinct 54-01-13 (027) The Platform.mp3 DIR Certified Materials\ 235c82ad Copyright and Fair Use.pdf 4a102331 CRC file.pdf 7c07054c Creative Commons Statement.pdf 15471470 How To Copy the DVDs Without Truncating the Long File Names.pdf 664b842f OTRR 21st Precinct Certified.pdf 177c350d OTRR Copyright policy.pdf 366461f3 OTRR DMCA Official Policy.pdf 57aa7bc5 OTRR Policy on MP3 Dealers.pdf 5695ad4a OTRR Policy on Using Other People's Materials.pdf c9b4d7f6 Reproduction Of Copyrighted Works By Educators and Librarians.pdf 3f5bd0ba Version changes.txt DIR Documents\ 9cdfa720 21 Precinct audio brief.txt 664d2427 Everett Sloane bio.txt f667acb3 James Gregory bio.txt DIR Labels\ fde69c4e 21st Precinct CD Back.jpg 28330ff0 21st Precinct CD Front.jpg b570d8e7 21st Precinct CD Label.jpg DIR Pictures\ 110c3050 Everette Sloane 2.jpg fc33604f everett-sloane-1.jpg 28721574 James Gregory 2.jpg 71c16f16 James Gregory 3.jpg 30a83eae James gregory.jpg c5a5b0fb Thumbs.db